The best one line to describe us would be “ Natural Stone Lovers”. We are a fan club of natural stone and we love granite the most because of its longevity & durability.

Together we are a young team under the umbrella of our company Modi Granites Pvt . Ltd. We are Quarry Owners, Processors, and Exporters of all forms of granite. Our Company was established in the year 2012 and we were mainly trading in blocks & slabs until we graduated to manufacturing in the year 2016 when we set up a 100% Export oriented unit In Shoolagiri, Tamilnadu  (Near Bangalore – South India).

Our team Comprises of forward thinking individuals who work together to bring their love for stone at every customer’s doorsteps with an intent to satisfy every need of our customer.

What do we do

We primarily offer to the world granite products in various forms such as

 1. Granite Raw blocks.

 2. Granite Gangsaw Slabs.

3. Granite Cutter Slabs.

4. Granite Thick slabs

5. Granite Cut-to-size     

6. Granite Tiles

7. Finished products such as steps risers, countertops & monuments.

The key feature of Natural Stone is that no two blocks of stone are alike, and this uniqueness is what sets the stone we use our at our homes or offices apart from the others. It’s like owning a part of nature that nobody else does. With natural Stones comes natural variances and it requires a great eye to detail and experience to choose the best stones. A key distinctive style of our work , is this, that each block of stone supplied or used by us is chosen by the personal inspection of the top management at Modi Granites.

Page 1 Block

Blocks are supplied from other quarries and our Own Quarry of Blue Flower Granite in Rajasthan.

We have a state of the art facility in Shoolagiri, Hosur, Tamil Nadu (Near Bangalore- South India) and at this facility we provide slabs & cut to size in various thicknesses in all sizes from as small as 10cm * 10cm up to 340cm * 200cm. Besides just Slabs & Cut to size, through this facility we also cater to supply of finished products such as counter tops, steps, risers, and monuments.